Reverse Engineered Object: Progress Update One
This week has been very hectic, but I still managed to do decent groundwork for this project. I mostly focused on mapping out and figuring out commands I could use, and getting used to the digital calipers. Here's all I've gotten done so far!
First I got down basic measurements for every single piece. Of course I will be double checking as I work, but this really helped me break it down and make it look less intimidating.The casing is definitely going to be the hardest part. Lots of filleting, smoothing, and working with curves. Plus, it should be accurate enough to snugly hold the spring cage in it the framing meant for it.
I did manage to get some of the shapes into Rhino and mess with rendering a bit. There are small intricacies I'd like to add, like little ridges of plastic and making sure it's evenly hollow throughout. These will be revisited later, as right now I just wanted a base to work from.
I honestly can't wait to see how the clear plastic will look rendered in Rhino.
The game plan is to make all the basic forms in one pass, then pass over again and add the smaller details. The casing will hopefully be tackled in the middle of this process, so I can check if finished parts fit properly in it or not as I go, rather then having to fix everything in a rush at the end.
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